Softeq helped us build our product from the ground up and have been an equity partner from inception to growth.

Mobile App, Admin Portal, and Firmware for a Smart Dog Collar
The connected collar would use the latest technology to manage pets in an efficient manner.
Show Case StudyWhen I came across Softeq, I was immediately impressed with their professionalism and their customer list. My sense from Softeq’s genuine level of interest and enthusiasm for the project is that they really got it.

Smart Dog Collar: Precise Pet Activity Monitoring and Safety Control
The smart collar is a multi-sensor wearable device that leverages advanced technology to monitor dog's location, fitness activity and behavior, and helps prevent car accidents and stray.
Show Case StudyWiseWear Corporation, a manufacturer of luxury wearable health and fitness devices, aimed to release a smart jewelry bracelet that inspires women to be safe, connected, and in tune with their health and wellness.
Firmware and Mobile Apps for a Connected Bracelet
Softeq implemented a smart solution consisting of firmware and mobile apps for iOS and Android devices to underlie the luxury wearable accessory. The team also created production tools to ensure product integrity in mass production.
Show Case StudyThe client increased temperature monitoring device sales using our data management system, consisting of HW and SW parts. It puts labs in control of their environment and helps avoid production errors resulting from temperature fluctuations.
Android Wear and Mobile Demo App for Smart Sports Apparel
The solution allows users to obtain precise health parameters without lag.
Show Case StudyThe client wanted to enable coaches to monitor their athletes’ workouts to help them perform at full capacity. The client asked us to build an app that gathers data from sensors on athlete’s body, analyzes and visualizes it using a dashboard.
IoT-based Athlete Performance Assessment Solution
A company that manufactures wearable sensors turned to Softeq to create an athlete performance assessment platform for sports coaches. The solution captures, processes, and visualizes the data acquired from sensing devices attached to an athlete’s body.
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